Componenten Pakket 2024-2025

€149,95 €139,95

The platform that will be used this academic year is Orange Pi 3 LTS.
This package contains all the necessary accessories you will need during your training.

Package contents:

40x Jumper cables M-M
40x Jumper cables M-F
40x Jumper cables F-F
2x LDR5528
2x Potentiometer 10K
1x Stepmotor + ULN2003
1x Tantaal 1µ
30x Resistors (22, 100, 220, 1K, 4K7, 10K)
1x MicroSD-card 16GB with adapter
1x USB-C cable
1x Ethernet cable
1x RS232 cable
1x Relais module
1x Breadboard
1x LCD 5110 (soldered)
1x MCP3008
1x Micro USB cable
1x SR04
1x LM35
1x MicroSD-card reader to USB
1x USB Fastcharger
1x Adafruit BH1750 (soldered)
1x Adafriut BMP280 (soldered)
1x Qwicc cable
1x Qwicc to Jumper cable
1x Orange Pi case
4x Red LED
4x Tactile Pushbutton 2pin.
1x GPIO Cheat Sheet

Products may differ from image!
Orange Pi not included!

Omnium Insurance


Have you broken a component yourself? With this comprehensive insurance, we also replace your components in the event of self-inflicted damage!
This comprehensive insurance is valid throughout your school career at Thomas More!

Componenten Pakket

Omnium Insurance

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